We at Uffizio constantly put our efforts to provide our users with the best solutions possible based on the inputs we get from them. We hear our users and strive to work our best to provide them with the required updates. This month we are back with some amazing updates for our users. Trakzee and SmartBus have received some updates and this blog will walk you through the updates we made to our products this month.
Bulk trip creation- Smart Bus
Earlier managers faced difficulty creating trips individually as they received all the data in an excel sheet.
This update will allow managers to create multiple trips at once. Managers will now be able to download the sample excel sheet provided in the specified format and fill in the required details and easily upload the same.
Trip violation report- Smart Bus
Managers in the past were unable to keep track of every trip. As there was no violation report, they were unable to alter the necessary information.
This new Smart bus update will be providing a trip violation report. The report will include trip violations based on whether defined checkpoints are visited or not visited or the checkpoint order is not followed, whether the actual start and finish times differ from the ones specified or if the actual path differs from the one that has been defined.
Address authorized visit report- Trakzee
Earlier users couldn’t see the report if a driver made any unapproved stops in between journeys.
Trakzee will now offer an address authorization visit report which will help the users with a clear picture of the number of trips a driver has been doing. Distance traveled, the number of stops made, and whether or not they were allowed to be made during the trip.
The data for summary and detail will be generated in accordance with the driver’s preferences in the report along with the driver’s score.
Collection address registration via Citizen app- Smart Waste
As the use of Smart waste has increased, the need for collection addresses through the citizen app surged a demand.
Smart Waste will now allow individuals to register collection addresses from their citizen app which is not incorporated by the government. Users can directly get the data from the citizen app and act accordingly. The collection address registration will be done in the zone- ward- town relation.
Driver app enhancement- Trakzee
Currently, in Trakzee application, the driver can be added and can be set as a user for the Trakzee driver application. Also, the functionalities are fixed and the rights can’t be defined.
The new update in Trakzee application will have the following updates:
- A tab in the driver configuration screen to enable the driver as a user.
- There are many other functionalities that are added as configurable options for the driver app on the enable/ disable function.
- The application also allows the driver to check in and check out from the vehicle through a QR code.
- The driver will also have the right to create manual trips according to the requirements.
- The driver will have access to upload his required documents into the system.