4+ countries | 40k+ consumers | 50k+ vehicles
4+ countries | 40k+ consumers | 50k+ vehicles
Tracker Independent
Trakzee Mini – personal vehicle tracking software that offers tracking and monitoring services for your personal vehicle. It lets you know your vehicle’s location and notifies you when there is breaking.
Moreover, the Trakzee Mini helps in maintaining your vehicle’s health and preventing further damage by giving constant maintenance reminders.
Surely, Trakzee Mini – personal vehicle tracking software is designed to offer out-of-the-box functionalities which include route playback, maintenance reminders, parking violation alerts, a live tracking screen, an easy payment module, geofence, and many more.
Accurate Insights. Real-time Alerts.
A wide range of functionalities to simplify vehicle tracking
Begin with starter version and upgrade as you grow, or hit the ground running with one our enterprise edition
Questions to ask before you invest
Trakzee Mini gives you the live location of your vehicle. You can easily locate your vehicle on a map. When an unauthorised individual attempts to ride in your vehicle, the anti-theft system will prevent the engine from starting. Reminders to perform routine maintenance to keep your car safe.
Surely you can add multiple personal vehicles. ,Moreover, from a motorcycle to a car, and track them all using our mobile app.
YCertainly, you want to le t your kids use personal vehicles but are scared. Is that right? That happens to all the parents. With our solution, you can significantly track the vehicle in real time and set geofence zones. Straightaway get instant alerts if the vehicle enters or leaves that zone.
Certainly, Trakzee Mini tells you how long the vehicle was on and running during the day. Moreover, you can examine and analyze the route taken by your vehicle. Furthermore, select a date to view the route specifics for that date. Easily track how long the vehicle was running, idling, or parked.
Certainly, maintaining your vehicle is important for an extended vehicle lifespan. However, Trakzee mini helps you keep track of the maintenance schedule.
Surely, the route playback feature lets you review the route traveled by your vehicles for a selected date and time. Furthermore, You can customize the playback speed and view all the stops or path deviations so that you can plan your route better the next time.