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Vehicle Health Monitoring for Electric Fleets


As electric vehicles (EVs) are gain popularity, there is a growing need to monitor and maintain their performance to ensure optimal driving range and efficiency. Vehicle Health Monitoring is a technology that is used to monitor and diagnose the performance of EVs.


Battery Degradation: The electric taxi fleet’s batteries are subject to gradual degradation over time due to frequent charging and discharging cycles, impacting vehicle range and performance.

Range Anxiety: Drivers and passengers often experience range anxiety, fearing that the battery charge may not be sufficient for their entire journey.

Downtime Costs: Unplanned downtime for battery-related issues can disrupt operations, resulting in lost revenue and inconvenience for passengers.



The implementation of vehicle health monitoring in electronic vehicles can help address these challenges.

Continuous Battery Monitoring: The company installs vehicle health monitoring systems in each taxi to continuously track battery parameters such as SoC, SoH, temperature, and voltage.

Real-time Alerts: The monitoring system is configured to send real-time alerts to fleet managers and drivers when battery issues are detected, such as abnormal temperature spikes or voltage drops.

Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing historical data and using predictive analytics, the system predicts when a battery is likely to degrade beyond a certain threshold. It generates maintenance alerts well in advance of critical issues.

Scheduled Maintenance: When maintenance alerts are triggered, the company schedules preventive maintenance for the affected vehicles, including battery replacements or refurbishments.


Reduced Downtime: Proactive maintenance and early issue detection lead to a significant reduction in unplanned downtime. The fleet experiences fewer incidents of vehicles being out of service due to battery-related problems.

Extended Battery Lifespan: Implementing optimal charging practices and timely maintenance results in a longer lifespan for the batteries, reducing the need for premature replacement.