Have you wondered who makes it possible for you to enjoy a cup of steaming hot coffee/tea every morning? Did you know that the milk in your beverage was probably harvested on a farm less than two days ago? Farm to table in less than 48 hours? Let us walk you through it!
- The perishable nature of milk is a cause of concern in this line of work. The milk harvested on farms needs to either be processed or distributed in less than 48 hours.
- That is why milk in transit needs to be at an optimum temperature, so businesses don’t incur losses due to spoilage.
- On the other hand, the slightest change in the temperatures of milk storage and processing rooms can be disastrous as well. Needless to point out, it can take a toll on daily operations and increase operational costs.
- We facilitate raw milk distribution at lightning speeds, so dairy farmers and distributors don’t incur losses!
- You can know the real-time locations of milk carriers and get realistic ETAs from our live-tracking screen.
- Our Temperature Monitoring System can help you transport milk at precise temperatures, eliminating chances of product spoilage.
- You can also view employee work progress via MDVR and put a check on activities like milk theft or dilution of milk with water.
- Make more on-time deliveries than before, using our route optimization module.
Business Benefits
Uffizio’s software platform has benefitted the milk and dairy product distributors of Gujarat and Maharashtra. We have tracked 1000 milk trucks in the above states, monitoring 2000+ trips per day.
Benefits of using a world-class telematics platform
Transport milk products or store them at precise temperatures. Eliminate potential delays and get the most out of your milk delivery fleet with our platform.
Driver Dispatch
- Increased no. of delivery jobs without hiring additional drivers or buying extra vehicles.
Temperature Monitoring
- Prolong milk and dairy products’ lifespan by transporting them at ideal temperatures.
Check on Unauthorized Usage
- Check on idling and off-the-record trips.
Easy Routing
- Access to the choicest routes to ensure safer and faster deliveries.
- Set alerts for over-speeding, harsh braking, and vehicle cornering, and practice safer driving.
Tallying productivity
- A reliable way to track work progress, including ETAs, time spent by drivers on the road, and delays in completing work orders