Tracking worker through TaskEye is an efficient task and worker management software. It mainly focuses on lone workers. Lone workers are those workers who work in remote or dangerous areas or outside normal working hours. It includes janitors, security guards, mine workers, and more.
Before understanding the system, let us discuss why it’s important to track these workers.
What is the challenge faced by a lone worker?
Worker safety is the main concern in this field. In a remote location, it is difficult to communicate with anybody. Accidents, dangerous falls, health emergencies, and workplace violations go unnoticed on time which can risk the life of workers. So, the managers cannot help the workers on time.
The risk also increases when supervisors are not aware of the remaining workers on-site in an emergency. Due to this ensuring safety becomes difficult.
What are the problems faced by managers or supervisors?
Managers or Supervisors are the ones who need to ensure worker safety and monitor task completion. Worker efficiency is important for any industry. As a manager, you should have the complete details of the worker’s attendance and the number of tasks he has completed.
A manager cannot manage all the workers in different sites at the same time.
How did Worker Taskeye originate?
A client approached Uffizio from Saudi Arabia. He works in the coal mining industry and he was facing problems. So, he wanted us to provide a solution that could efficiently track the workers in real time from anywhere. Moreover, the solution should also help him know if any of his employees need help. So, we came up with Worker TaskEye, which not only helped to fulfill his need but also helped to get analyzed data.
How Worker TaskEye can help you?
Worker TaskEye tracks the workers in the field to understand how many workers are on-field or off-field. It helps you take steps for ensuring the safety of all workers. The system is the ultimate destination for all the query regarding your worker. From knowing the assigned task to understanding the danger all is possible in this platform.
The features of the tracking worker system are:
- Get the exact details of workers onsite and offsite in real time.
- Receive reminders of worker’s card expiry
- Multiple Geofences can be created by multiple contractors on the same platform.
- Alerts like SOS and device inactive are available to provide quick help.
- Helps to know the medical insurance of the worker.
Moreover, the system provides various reports for efficient data analysis. The reports in the system are
- Site Visited Summary: The summary of sites visited by each employee.
- Worker Employee Status: The employee’s details and their real-time status.
- Employee Alert: The details of all the employee alerts.
- System Logs: If any problems, you will get the logs to understand the problem.
Many of us sitting in AC rooms directly or indirectly need the help of these Lone workers. So, we need to take steps to ensure the safety and security of these workers. Moreover, a company will never attain profit without efficient employees and so with us, you don’t have to worry about any of these problems. Be safe and connect with us to know other updates.