“One of the leading Telematics and solutions providers in the world join hands with Uffizio”
In order to grow and expand your business worldwide, you have to constantly look for viable and capable partners. A good and productive partnership increases the growth prospects of both partners and helps them make more and more profits. While the partnership is about growth and profits, it is also about developing your specialization and choosing the right partners for the right services. When it comes to Software services for Telematics companies, Uffizio has always been at the forefront to partner with companies who are looking for a software company to take care of their software development and maintenance.
Amongst the latest technological partnerships that we have entered into is with one of our most important partnerships ever- Meitrack Group. Uffizio is looking forward to a very productive and successful partnership with this esteemed company.
About Meitrack
Established in 2002, Meitrack Group is a company dedicated to achieving excellence in the field of Telematics. With its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Meitrack is today one of the leading Telematics and solutions providers in the world. The company has adopted a strategy of “going global” and has offices across California, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Meitrack’s growing international distribution network, and capability to deliver services in more than 170 countries and regions worldwide is highly commendable and we are lucky to have them as one of our partners.
Partnering with Uffizio – Join Us
Meitrack will be using our GPS Tracking & Fleet management software – Trakzee. Trakzee is one of the best fleet management software in the world with excellent compatibility and user-friendliness. A partnership with Uffizio lets your company use our brilliant and unique software which has been developed after years of research analysis and development. We at Uffizio really value all our partnerships and promise to provide the highest level of services no matter what. Uffizio believes in standing with its partners through the entire process and assisting them as and when required.
Our partnership has the primary motive of creating favorable circumstances for our partners and hence making more profits for them. This is why we believe in flexibility and customization. The services we provide differ from company to company so as to fit their set of needs specifically.
The decision of choosing a software partner is a crucial one and should not be taken lightly. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any doubts.