What’s New for the Month of July 2024


We are excited to share the latest enhancements to our GPS tracking software, designed to improve functionality, security, and user experience. These updates include advanced features and integrations based on user feedback and industry requirements, ensuring that you have the most effective tools for your tracking needs. Explore the new capabilities and see how they can benefit your operations.

Enhanced CRM Functionality for User Hierarchy- Smart Projects

We are introducing new features to our CRM system that make it easier for different user levels to manage support tickets. These updates allow for better communication and tracking within the software.

1. Web Application CRM Tab:

Lower-level users like Resellers and Companies can now submit tickets to their immediate upper management. This means:

  • Admins will receive notifications for tickets from Resellers.
  • Resellers will receive notifications for tickets from Companies.

Notifications: Users will get notified when a new ticket is assigned or a reply is received. Clicking on these notifications will direct them to the ticket.

2. Mobile Application:

  • Consistent Changes: The same CRM enhancements made to the web application are also applied to the mobile app. Notifications will also redirect users to the tickets.


  • Improved Communication: Easier tracking and management of tickets across different user levels.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Clear notifications and filtering options help users stay organized and efficient.
  • Flexibility: Both web and mobile users can access these features, ensuring consistent functionality across platforms.

CRM - Trakzee

Easy Item Tracking in Job Module- Smart Projects

We’re excited to announce new features in our Job Module that make it easier to track and manage items during job planning and execution, both on the web and mobile applications.

1. Web Application:

New Item Management Screen:

  • We’ve added a new screen where you can manage items related to each job. This makes it simple to add and track items that are part of your job.

Job Tracking and Reports:

  • Live Tracking & Job List: Now, you can add items at checkpoints during a job. For example, if you’re loading or unloading goods, you can update the details directly in the system. You can track everything from the web interface or the driver app.

New Job Report:

  • We’ve added a report that shows detailed information about items loaded and unloaded during jobs, helping you keep track of everything efficiently.

2. Mobile Application:

Item Management at Checkpoints:

  • Job & Checkpoint List: You can now easily add and manage items at different checkpoints. For instance:
  • Loading Items: Add details manually or use QR codes to scan items. You can also enter details like quantity and weight.
  • Unloading Items: Update the system when items are delivered, ensuring all items are accounted for accurately.

Additional Features:

  • Manual and QR Code Entry: You can enter item details manually or scan them using QR codes, making the process quick and error-free.


  • Simple Item Tracking: Easily track items during loading and unloading at checkpoints.
  • Flexible Management: Modify job details anytime, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting.
  • Detailed Reports: Get comprehensive reports on item handling for better management.

These updates make it easier for you to manage and track items during jobs, ensuring everything is recorded accurately and efficiently.

loading unloading

Enhanced Area Management and Tracking- SmartWaste

We have brought new feature in our application that make managing and tracking areas more efficient and detailed. These updates are particularly beneficial for projects involving specific area tracking methods like QR codes and RFID.

1. Web Application:

New Area Details:

  • Add Area Feature: We’ve added a new feature to manage areas with more specific details.
  • Visit Type Options: Now you can define how visits to an area are tracked—either by Map, RFID, or QR Code.
  • Additional Fields: Depending on the visit type, you can now enter specific details like RFID or QR codes. These fields will also be included when uploading KML files.

Enhanced Job Integration:

  • Job Setup: The new area visit types (Map, QR Code, RFID) can now be selected when setting up jobs. This ensures that each checkpoint is accurately tracked based on the visit method chosen.
  • Search and Track: You can search and track visits using QR codes or RFID information, making it easier to monitor activities.

2. Mobile Application:

Area and Job Tracking:

  • Job Playback: When reviewing job history, you’ll now see detailed information about areas visited using QR codes, including the collector’s name, operation (Collected/Disposed), and weight.
  • Enhanced Reports: Reports now include additional details like the collector’s name, operation type, and weight, providing a complete view of the job’s progress.

New Input Options in Collector App:

  • Area Points: Collectors can now enter additional information at area points, such as weight and operation type (Collected/Disposed). This can be done via the collector app using options like:
  • Add Weight: Option to enter the weight of collected or disposed items.
  • Upload Receipt: Mandatory step to upload a receipt for the recorded weight.
  • Submit/Cancel: Buttons to finalize or cancel the entry.

3. Additional Features:

  • Report Enhancements: Reports will now show detailed information, including the operation performed at each checkpoint, weight details, and collector information. This information will also be available in exported reports and schedules.
  • Scalability and Real-Time Data: The app is designed to handle an increasing number of users and waste collection events efficiently, with real-time updates for waste data.

These updates make it easier to manage and track area-specific details, providing a more comprehensive and accurate overview of job progress. Whether you’re using QR codes, RFID, or traditional methods, these enhancements streamline your workflow and improve data accuracy.

Weight Input

Sweeping Analytics for Your Fleet- SmartWaste

We’re pleased to announce new features to help you track and monitor sweeping activities in your fleet more effectively.

1. New Sensor Ports:

We’ve added new sensor options to our system for tracking different parts of your sweeping trucks. You can now monitor:

  • Right-Side Sweeping
  • Left-Side Sweeping
  • Front Sweeping
  • Rear Sweeping

These sensors help you see when and how your sweeping brushes are being used.

2. Sweeping Activity Widget:

A new widget called «Sweeper Activity» is now available in the live tracking section. It shows:

  • How many times the sweeping brushes were used
  • How long they were active
  • The last time they were activated

You can choose to show or hide this information as needed.

3. Enhanced Reports:

  • We’ve improved our reports to include details about the new sweeping sensors, giving you better insights into your fleet’s activities.

These new features make it easier to track and analyze the use of sweeping brushes, helping you manage your fleet more efficiently. Stay tuned for more updates!

Sweeper Activity Widget and sensors Requirement

Job Wages Summary Report- SmartWaste

We are introducing a new feature to help you calculate and track wages for Collectors and Helpers based on the time spent on jobs. This will simplify payroll management and ensure accurate wage calculations.

1. New Wage Configuration:

  • Wage Setup:
  • A new screen has been added under Settings → Billing → Wages, where you can set up wages for Collectors and Helpers.
  • You can define the standard hourly rate, overtime rate, and the validity period for each wage setup.
  • This setup helps you manage and organize wage details easily, ensuring all calculations are up-to-date and accurate.

2. Collector and Helper Registration:

  • Updated Details:
  • When registering Collectors or Helpers, you can now assign them to a specific wage group.
  • The system will track changes to wage groups and record them in a history log, showing updates by date and user.

3. New Wages Report:

Comprehensive Reporting:

  • This new report provides a summary and detailed breakdown of wages for Collectors and Helpers.
  • It calculates total working hours and costs based on the start and end times of jobs, considering all helpers and collectors involved.
  • The report includes filters for Company, Town, Zone, and more, allowing you to view specific data.

Example Calculation:

  • If Collectors and Helpers work from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, the report will calculate the total hours worked and the corresponding costs based on the hourly rates set in the wage configuration.


  • Accurate Wage Calculation: Automatically calculates wages based on actual working hours, reducing manual errors.
  • Efficient Payroll Management: Simplifies the process of managing payroll for Collectors and Helpers.
  • Customizable Reporting: The report can be customized and exported in .xls or .pdf formats, making it easy to share and analyze.

These new features make it easier to manage wages and ensure accurate payments for your workforce. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements!

Helper entity Integration