Let’s Connect!

Cookie Policy

This privacy notice explains the cookie processing activities for the website https://uffizio.com,
hereinafter referred to as “Uffizio”, “We”, “Our” or “The organization”. This privacy notice is applicable
to information collected via this web site.

Cookie Policy and Preferences

On your first visit to https://Uffizio.com, you were asked (by a consent opt-in/out banner) to
accept/reject our use of cookies and similar technologies and we’d like to explain how we use
these technologies here.

To learn about what “cookies/browser cookies” are, we recommend that you visit the following
third party website: www.allaboutcookies.org.

Like many websites on the worldwide web, we use cookies for a variety of purposes. Some
cookies are necessary for the functionality of the Website, others log data about your device
hardware and your interaction with our Website.

We use cloud based servers hosted by third party service providers (which may be located
outside the EEA) to collect Website traffic information.

The following types of cookies may be used by Uffizio’s website:

Functional cookies or Essential cookies

These cookies are required for basic website functionality and are therefore enabled by default.
For instance when you exit our cookie banner a cookie is dropped on your device reminding
your browser not to re-serve this pop-up box when you later visit this Website. Some cookies
may help you sign-in to our system and perform user activities as a registered user.

Performance cookies/Analytics cookies

We may use Analytics tools to collect information about how visitors use and interact with our
Website. The cookies collect information about the below aspects:
● the number of visitors to our Website,
● the pages or content with the most traffic,
● approximately where in the world you are visiting the Website from; and
● how you have found our Website e.g. from a direct search; link on a third-party website;
or link in one of our emails.

We use this information to help improve the Website, for instance by prioritizing updates of the
most read content or the most used functionality.

Advertising cookies & Social media cookies

Sometimes we use social media and advertising partners such as Facebook, Google and
LinkedIn who drop cookies on your device when you visit our Website in order to remember
that you have looked at our Website/expressed an interest in our products (“Third-party
cookies”). This means that when you later visit these third party websites, or visit a website
which has agreed to host adverts for our online advertising platform, the adverts displayed to
you are more tailored to your apparent interests. If you click on these adverts they will redirect
you back to our Website.

Our third-party partners may pass us information about the total number of views, shares, and
click-throughs these adverts have received.

Conversion tracking

In order to see how successfully our marketing campaigns or other website goals are
performing we sometimes use conversion pixels, which fire a short line of code to tell us when
you have clicked on a particular button on our Website or reached a particular page (e.g. a
thank you page once you have completed the procedure for downloading content or have
completed one of our forms).
Unless otherwise specified the above cookies remain when you close your browser.